Dr. Sutrisno, S.Si., M.Sc.
Hi there!
My name is Sutrisno and I am with the Dept. of Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro since 2014. I received my bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Universitas Diponegoro. My undergraduate thesis was about an application of H-inf control method for vibration reduction. I received my master’s degree in Applied Mathematics from Universitas Gadjah Mada. My master’s thesis was about distributed predictive control based on cooperative dynamic game theory. I received my Ph.D. degree from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. My PhD thesis was about switched linear singular systems in discrete time.
I also manage a personal webpage with regular updates. Please go to: ssutrisno.my.id
Courses taught:
- Algoritma dan pemrograman
- Calculus 1 [English]
- Kalkulus 1 – Diferensial dan Integral
- Matematika Aktuaria 1
- Matematika Aktuaria 2
- Matematika Demografi
- Metode Numerik
- Metode Numerik Lanjut
- Pemodelan Stokastik
- Pengantar Aljabar Abstrak
- Pengantar Pemodelan Matematika
- Persamaan Diferensial Biasa
- Program Dinamik Probabilistik
- Riset Operasi – Teori Antrian
- Riset Operasi – Transportasi
- Statistika Matematika 1
- Statistika Matematika 2
- Teknologi Informasi
For teaching materials go to [DOWNLOAD SLIDES].
My research interests include:
- Mathematical modeling
- Systems and control
- Mathematical optimization
Please go to my personal webpage for updated publications list: ssutrisno.my.id
Office address:
Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro
Jalan Jacub Rais, Tembalang, Semarang 50275
Building F Room No. 103 (https://maps.app.goo.gl/Dxt5DgH3M8US1nZJ7)
E-mail : s.sutrisno[at]live.undip.ac.id