On 30 Oktober 2018, placed in Solo city, a regional conference of INDO-MS (Indonesian Mathematics Society) Central Java-Yogyakarta was conducted with the primary agenda the election of the new head of INDO-MS Central Java-Yogyakarta. In this event, the Department of Mathematics, Diponegoro University was represented by Dr. Farikhin, Dr. Susilo Hariyanto, Dr. Titi Udjiani, and Lucia Ratnasari, M.Sc.
The first agenda on this event is report speech from Dr. Mardiyana (Lecturer Staff in UNS) who is the head of INDO-MS Central Java-Yogyakarta period 2016-2018. The second agenda is the election of the head for period 2018-2020. This election was resulting in Dr. Nanang S. (Lecturer Staff in UGM) was chosen as the new of the head of Indo-MS Jateng-DIY for period 2018-2020.
Indo-MS Central Java-Yogyakarta has been becoming the organization, a place to meet for the members which are mathematicians over Central Java and Yogyakarta for relation building and many higher educational events include research, education, and community services. Indo-MS Central Java-Yogyakarta is expected to be more going forward and more contribution to the development of mathematical science.